
National Infant Immunization Week

National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is an annual observance to highlight the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and celebrate the achievements of immunization programs and their partners in promoting healthy communities. Since 1994, hundreds of communities across the United States have joined together to celebrate the critical role vaccination plays in protecting our…
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Zika Virus: What Parents Need to Know

Article from: With all of the coverage in the news about the Zika virus lately, it is understandable that parents have questions. Here are the facts you need to know about this virus. What is Zika? Zika is a virus that can cause the following symptoms: Rash Fever Pink eye (conjunctivitis) Joint pain Symptoms…
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Freaky Fridays 2015

This summer is going Freaky! Dr. Greg is leading up a themed Friday every week until Labor Day, when summer is "officially" over. Our Fridays started off FAVORITE ROCK BAND T-SHIRT.  Dr. Greg's skull ring was the bomb! The next week we carried on with CRAZY HAIR DAY! (Although that's every day for some of…
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Why Vaccinate

Why Vaccinate??  Does MY kid really need the vaccine?  The diseases are so rare, I don’t see the point.  I don’t know how they work. These and many many more questions are running through every parent’s mind.  We at Blackmon Pediatrics understand the confusion and the fear in immunizing your child and want to help…
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